Fundamentals of Quality Improvement Execution
Our self-guided curriculum containing a step-by-step recipe to designing & implementing a successful quality improvement project
We've distilled our intense live program into a 100% online self-guided experience.
Five hours of carefully distilled practical video content
Fully self-guided experience that can be taken at your convenience
Tools and templates to move you smoothly through the QI project process
Quizzes to reinforce your learning
Activities to facilitate application of concepts directly to a project
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Course Syllabus
Program Overview: How to Use These Videos
Why Improve Quality?
Milestone #1: The Project Proposal
Quality Improvement vs. Conventional Research
Independent Learning Module: Introduction to Quality Improvement
Choosing A Quality Improvement Project
Defining A Quality Improvement Problem
Constructing an AIM Statement
The Data Dictionary
Project Proposal Template
The Project Charter
Quiz A: QI Topic Candidates (Problem Definitions)
Quiz B: Overview, Topic Selection & Problem Definition
Activity: Project Selection
Activity: Data Dictionary
Activity: Project Proposal
Module 1 Feedback & Evaluation
Module 1 Coaching Call (Limited Time Offer)
Milestone #2: Baseline Data Collection
Starting With the End in Mind
Planning a Baseline Data Collection
The Project Narrative
Planning to Demonstrate Improvement: The "Power Calculation"
Ethics and Quality Improvement
Module 2 Quiz
Activity: AIM Statement
Activity: Problem/Gap/Hook
Activity: Projected SPC Chart
Module 2 Feedback & Evaluation
Milestone #3: A Comprehensive List of Potential Contributing Factors
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication Strategy
Tool: Stakeholder Interviews
Tool: Cause and Effect Diagram
Tool: Five Whys
Tool: Process Map
Tool: Data Drill Down
Tool: Looking for Deviation
Module 3 Quiz
Activity: Stakeholder Analysis
Activity: Cause & Effect Diagram
Activity: Process Map
Module 3 Feedback & Evaluation
Milestone #4: Pareto Chart
Tool: Direct Observation/Time Study Observation
Tool: Literature Review
Tool: Pareto Chart
Creating A Pareto Chart in QI Macros
Module 4 Quiz
Activity: QI Literature Review
Activity: Pareto Chart
Module 4 Feedback & Evaluation
Milestone #5: Selection and Descriptions of Solutions
The Solutions Process, Mapping Onto Root Causes
Change Concepts versus Change Ideas
Generation Tool: Reverse Brainstorming
Generation Tool: Creative Combinations
Generation Tool: Human Factors
Generation Tool: Influencer
Generation Tool: Direct Observation
Prioritization Tool: PICK Chart
Prioritization Tool: Hierarchy of Effectiveness
Prioritization Tool: Golden Rules
Describing Your Chosen Solutions
Putting It All Together: The Driver Diagram
Module 5 Quiz
Activity: PICK Chart
Activity: Solution Mapping & Driver Diagram
Module 5 Feedback & Evaluation
Milestone #6: Implementation Plan
Family of Measures
Model for Improvement Overview
Overview of Lean/Toyota Production System
Overview of Six Sigma
Module 6 Quiz
Activity: Context Analysis
Activity: Data Dictionary Part 2
Activity: PDSA Worksheet
Module 6 Feedback & Evaluation
Milestone #7: Run Chart or Statistical Process Control Chart
Pitfalls of Applying Conventional Statistics to QI
Run Charts
Tale of Three Clinics
Statistical Process Control Charts
Constructing an SPC Chart in QI Macros
Change Occurred: Possible Explanations
Change Did Not Occur: Possible Explanations
Module 7 Quiz
Activity: PDSA Worksheet Update
Activity: Run Chart
Activity: Statistical Process Control Chart
Activity: Statistical Process Control Chart Problem Set
Module 7 Feedback & Evaluation
Milestone #8: Sustainability Plan
Causes of Regression
Documentation Plan
Education and Training Plan
Monitoring Plan
Response Plan
Closeout Report
Poster Presentation
Module 8 Quiz
Activity: Sustainability Plan
Activity: QI Project Poster
Module 8 Feedback & Evaluation
Final Course Evaluation
Certificate of Completion
1. Express a clinical care gap in the form of an AIM statement
2. Design and execute a comprehensive root cause analysis
3. Generate solutions and map them onto root causes
4. Design a feasible implementation plan that accounts for local contextual factors
5. Design and implement authentic Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles
6. Design and execute a data collection strategy to rigorously demonstrate improvement over time
7. Design and execute a sustainability plan including ongoing stakeholder engagement
8. Avoid major pitfalls associated with QI projects
1. Differentiate quality improvement from research
2. Apply a project selection framework to the proposed topic
3. Define a primary outcome measure
1. Identify the role of ethics oversight in QI projects
2. Craft a compelling narrative to influence stakeholders
3. Construct an AIM statement
1. Design and execute an effective stakeholder engagement strategy
2. Generate hypotheses explaining the care gap by using a variety of QI tools
1. Utilize the literature review as a hypothesis generation tool
2. Validate hypotheses using the following tools: direct observation, Pareto analysis
1. Differentiate between a change concept and a change idea
2. List tools/methods that are used in each of the two distinct phases of the solution selection process (generation and prioritization)
3. Generate potential solutions that directly link to root causes
4. List the hierarchy of effectiveness of interventions
5. List general factors that contribute to the success or failure of solutions
6. Evaluate viability of potential solutions
1. Perform a context analysis and identify potential opportunities & threats to implementation
2. List & describe each category comprising the family of measures
3. List the elements of the Model for Improvement
4. Use the Plan-Do-Study-Act framework to plan for iterative tests of change
1. Describe the rationale for displaying data over time
2. Construct a run chart
3. Construct a statistical process control chart
1. Identify reasons why performance can regress to baseline
2. Design a sustainability plan (documentation, education/training, monitoring, response)
3. Extract and share project lessons beyond the project team
Alan Gob
7.75 MOC Section 3